

Pastoral Care

Pastoral visits

St. Nicholas' has a team of licensed Lay Pastoral Visitors who visit or take the Eucharist on a regular basis to those of our parish who are sick or unable to get to church, or who are in long-term care facilities.


Prayer chain

The prayer chain is a confidential ministry that prays for the sick and needy in our parish. If you’d like prayers for yourself, family or friends, contact the parish office. Members of the prayer chain will uphold your name in daily prayer for 30 days. If you wish to be upheld in prayer for another month, you can re-contact the office.


Card ministry

The card ministry sends out get well and encouragement cards on a regular basis to sick or shut-ins. This ministry always welcomes donations of cards and especially stamps.



SOAR is a Christian women's peer group offering support, hope to each other through a common faith and conversation. We care for and support each other by sharing our own life experiences. We share our difficulties, our joys and our hopes. We come together in faith, offering a safe and non-judgemental place to be heard.

Our conversations are confidential and shared only within the group. We learn from each other and meet with laughter and tears.

SOAR meets on the third Thursday of each month from 1-3pm. For more information, speak with Cheryle Pollock, our faith community nurse, at