

Serving & praying with

our neighbours in Birch Cliff

Responding to God's love for us and all people, we seek to know Christ and make him known in worship, fellowship and service to our neighbourhood and the world.

What does that mean? It means we're a community serving and praying with our neighbours, and inviting people into relationship with God's love and joy, known in Jesus Christ.

Our worship

Worship is central to everything we do as a community. This is when we join together to pray, hear scripture, praise God and share the bread and wine of Holy Communion. In this meal, we're energized, nourished and strengthened to love and serve the world in Jesus' name.

Upcoming Events

Find out what's happening soon at St. Nick's!

Special Occasions

Celebrate the milestones of your family’s life with us. Learn about baptism, marriage and funerals.

Who We Are

St. Nick's has been part of the Birch Cliff community since 1912. Read about our history and our leaders.

This week at St. Nick's

Can't make it to church in person? You can watch live on our YouTube channel at 10:30 a.m.!

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