At your table you nourish us with heavenly food.
Worship is central to everything we do as a community. This is when we join together to pray, hear scripture, praise God and share the bread and wine of Holy Communion. In this meal, we’re energized, nourished and strengthened to love and serve the world in Jesus’ name.
Sunday at 8:30 a.m. – Said Eucharist
A quiet, spoken Communion service with Bible readings and a sermon, about 45 minutes long. We use traditional language rooted in the beginnings of the Anglican Church.
Sunday at 10:30 a.m. — Eucharist with music
A joyful celebration using modern language, about 75 minutes long. This service of Holy Communion includes Bible readings, a sermon, and sung prayers and hymns.
Wednesday at 10 a.m.
We come together as a small group for worship, with an informal discussion of the scripture readings for the week. We’re always looking for new ideas and perspectives!

Gluten-free wafers
If you'd like a gluten-free wafer at communion, pick up a purple card from a sidesperson. Take it forward for communion in your hand so the communion minister knows that you need a gluten-free wafer.
Rite of Healing
On the second Sunday of the month, there is an opportunity to pray specifically for healing. Since biblical times, this prayer has been accompanied by the anointing with oil.
At 8:30, bring a book with you to the Communion rail to indicate that you would like to be anointed. At 10:30, proceed to the chapel after you’ve received communion.
In the community
St. Nick’s celebrates communion at Retirement Suites by the Lake every month, along with one-on-one pastoral visits, bible study and spiritual programs for the residents.
Opportunities to serve
There are many ways you can help with worship at St. Nick's. Learn more about how you can serve.