

New to St. Nick's?

Welcome! We're a friendly neighbourhood church in Birch Cliff, serving and praying with our neighbours and inviting people into relationship with God's love and joy, known in Jesus Christ.

Trying a church for the first time can be a bit daunting, so we hope you'll find these notes helpful. You can also ask our sidespeople (greeters), our priest or anyone you meet here about our services and our life together. Or feel free to get in touch if you have any questions!

Where is St. Nick's?

You can find us in the heart of Birch Cliff at 1512 Kingston Rd. We're on the north side of Kingston Road at Manderley (just east of Warden). We have plenty of free parking. Get more detailed directions.


What should I wear?

Wear whatever makes you comfortable. Don't worry about what you look like – we'll be happy to see you no matter what!


What happens when I get there?

You may want to arrive a few minutes before worship begins. A greeter will say hi and give you a bulletin to help guide you through the service. They'll be happy to answer any questions you might have. Find a seat wherever you feel comfortable.


How will I know what to do?

We usually stand to sing and sit to listen to the readings and the sermon. You can follow what others are doing. Your bulletin includes the words to the prayers and, at 10:30, the hymns. We say some of the prayers together (written in bold type), and some are said or sung by the priest. If you don't feel comfortable joining in, don't worry.

If you feel lost, you can always ask someone. We're happy to help!


Do I have to give money?

We take a collection every week to support the work we do in our church and in the wider community. It's completely up to you whether you'd like to contribute. We're grateful for anything you might choose to give, but don't feel like you need to.


Can I receive Communion?

All baptized Christians are invited to receive the bread and wine at Communion. Everybody can come forward for a blessing, indicated by crossing your arms over your chest. You can also choose to stay in your pew.

When it's time for Communion, the congregation goes to the front of the church, row by row. You'll step toward the priest and either hold out your hands to receive the wafer, or cross your arms over your chest if you'd like a blessing instead.

We drink the wine from a common cup, or chalice. If you'd prefer not to receive the wine, you can go straight back to your seat, or you can cross your arms over your chest when you approach the chalice bearer. Intinction (dipping the bread in the wine) isn't permitted — it's far less safe than the common cup.

Anglican theology has always held that communion in one kind (just the bread) constitutes full participation in the Eucharist.


What does "Anglican" mean?

The Anglican Church is one of the branches of Christianity. The whole Anglican family worldwide has more than 80 million members in 165 countries. We're part of the Diocese of Toronto, which includes more than 200 church communities in the GTA and beyond. Learn more about who we are and what we believe.